
The Quirky World of Ton Pret

The world would not be as interesting as it is if not for our imagination.  We live in a place of wonder and intrigue, a place where our inner selves can run wild and free.
I came across a wonderful painter by the name of Ton Pret. He had an influence on me that begged me to share his work with you all within ChronEVO.  Ton is a Dutchman that shares his very personal and characterized style with us all.  He has spent a long youth drawing and exploring his creative side to find himself in the world of art. Following in his heart, Ton finds himself eventually sharing his imagination through the paint brush. If to stare at the work Ton creates you will hit a new dimension, an alternate reality that has you transfixed.  His bold enthusiastic and quite spontaneous use of colour coupled with Ton’s depth of the imagination; turn a canvas whatever that may be into visual feasts.

James has a most positive and illuminating view of the world, finding soul and animation in our ever-manufactured global environments.

A traveler by nature, James has grown his professional and diverse career in Supply Chain, Photo-journalism and Digital Marketing management by acquainting himself with different traditions and cultures of more than 35 countries around the world. Capturing memories, creating identities, and gaining great perspectives.

In addition, James takes on the recent challenge of founder and creator to push his internationally recognized freelance and corporate experiences into new and exciting times with the advent of Brand Command. A brand and marketing company recognizing the creative talents of others around the world and placing soul and emotion into the image of its clients.